Juho Kaunisto is a 24-year-old professional volleyball player, representing Numidia TopVolleybal Limburg during the 2022/2023 season. Juho was Finnish champion and Finnish cup winner in the 2020/2021 season when playing for Vammalan Lentopallo, VaLePa. He also represented Finland in 2020.
Juho is “slightly” taller than the average guy (207 cm), and his inside leg length is a modest 108 cm. Juho was interesting in Cloudboots already in November 2021, but at that point his size was not yet available. To solve the problem, we designed the XL boot for people taller than two metres. Logistics problems caused by the pandemic messed up our supply chains completely, and as a result the XL boot was not available for sale until July 2022. Good news for all big fellows out there.
When representing Finland, Juho had previously tried pressure therapy products, albeit they were several years old. When Juho donned a pair of ROGUE Cloudboots, the flagship model, and they were pumped with pressure, it was quite an experience.
“My long wait for a pair of Cloudboots of my size was amply rewarded. My legs always ache after travel, but Cloudboots can get me ready even after travelling to a distant away game. The pressure level has been quite sufficient for me, I’m actually using only half of the maximum. So I can still turn them up a notch if necessary. Cloudboots are fantastic!”